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New Year New You – What Check Ups Will Set You Up For Success, and What Are Some Realistic Health Goals?

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As the New Year unfolds, many of us embrace the opportunity for a fresh start, often marked by resolutions and aspirations for a healthier lifestyle. Central to this journey is prioritizing our well-being through routine check-ups and setting realistic health goals.

Here at Los Gatos Doc, we fully support a healthy start to the New Year and want to dive into some achievable health goals so you can transform your year. Let’s take a look at some key check-ups that can set you up for success and transform your year into a healthy beginning.

Essential Check-Ups for a Healthy Start:

Annual Physical Exam:

First and foremost, when was the last time you actually had a comprehensive physical? Did you know this is supposed to be done annually? A comprehensive annual physical examination is the cornerstone of preventive care. This visit allows your provider to have a general assessment of your overall health and keep an eye out for any potential issues as well as discuss concerns or lifestyle changes. This gives your provider time to also check any routine tests to monitor your vitals over time, which can notice any potential health issues, and work to alter these prior to them becoming a problem. 

Dental Check-Up:

Your oral health is truly tied to your overall well-being. Bi-annual dental check ups help you to ensure that your teeth and gums are in good condition. Professional cleanings help remove plaque and tartar buildup which will contribute to a healthy mouth, and often help teach you healthier practices. Routine visits also help your dentist take a close look at your mouth for any potential issues, provide essential advice, and address your questions or concerns.

Vision and Eye Health Exam:

Eye health is easy to overlook, especially if your vision is not feeling abnormal in any way. However, an annual eye exam can help you identify any issues with vision, ocular disease, or conditions that are much easier to treat with early intervention.

Cancer Screenings:

Depending on age, gender, and family history, various cancer screenings may be recommended. Mammograms, Pap smears, colonoscopies, and prostate exams are examples of screenings that can detect cancer in its early, more treatable stages. For more information about the right screenings for your age and gender, click here.

Mental Health Check-In:

Physical health is often a no-brainer when we think about overall body and wellness. However, mental health is an important piece of overall well-being. Schedule a mental health check-in with a professional or meet with your doctor to discuss any emotional health stressors, or concerns.

Realistic Health Goals for the New Year:

Consistent Physical Activity:

Don’t “do drastic” when it comes to physical activity goals in 2024. Instead, aim to incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercises with 2 days of some form of muscle strengthening to hit the current physical guidelines for Americans. A healthy mix of aerobic, weightlifting, and mindful activities is best – however, finding an activity you enjoy and will remain consistent with is the key to long-term success for the new year.

Balanced Nutrition:

Same with physical health, don’t adopt too much of a strict or drastic diet to the start of this year. Rather, supporting a balanced approach to nutrition is key for making the most of your meal time. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your diet. Small, sustainable changes to eating habits can lead to significant improvements.

Adequate Sleep Hygiene:

For as much time as we spend snoozing, it is important to ensure that your sleep habits are optimized for overall health and well-being. Tips like having a fixed-wake-up-time (yes, even on weekends) and not overdoing it with naps will ensure you are preparing yourself for sleep success. If you’re struggling to fall asleep or feeling tired during the day, it may be a good time to check in with your provider to rule out some disorders that may impact your sleep.

Stress Management:

Do you have a healthy way to monitor stress? Just like we spoke about the importance of mental health above, having a host of tools to combat stress at your ready is important for your overall well-being. The tips included in these goals, as well as ensuring you aren’t leaning on substances to cope, and incorporating mindfulness minutes into your day are just a few ways to be sure you are satisfying your mental goals this new year.


Have you drank water today? No? Go grab some! But seriously, many of us struggle to get in our required amount of daily water goals. How can you incorporate more water into your day? Things like labeled water bottles, taking a sip every hour, or making sure to drink a glass before and after eating are easy ways to incorporate more hydration into your routine.

As you embark on the journey of a “New Year, New You,” prioritize your health with essential check-ups and realistic goals. Taking proactive steps toward preventive care and adopting achievable lifestyle changes can pave the way for a healthier and more fulfilling year ahead.

If you are looking for your own personalized recommendations and need a medical team to put you first, schedule with Dr. V at Los Gatos Doc today by visiting: www.losgatosdoc.com

Remember, small, sustainable changes often lead to lasting improvements in your well-being. Cheers to a healthy and vibrant new chapter!

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