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Navigating the Holidays: Your Guide to Staying Healthy During the Festive Season

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As we move into the thick of the holiday season, it is no secret that the air is filled with happiness, you are surrounded by excitement and joy, and food is richer and more flavorful than ever as you gather with your loved ones around the table. 

However, this time of year it is easier than ever for health and wellness to take a back seat while you’re busy celebrating. At Los Gatos Doc, we believe life is all about balance – you can certainly enjoy the holidays to the fullest while making sure your health remains a priority. As such, we will share some practical tips and tricks to help you stay healthy during the holidays taking care of your body and mind just as you do during the rest of the year.

Tips and Tricks for a Healthy Holiday Season:

Mindful Eating:

It is no secret that the holidays are a time of indulgence, and with so many tasty treats it is not hard to see why! While we absolutely endorse indulging in your sweet tooth, the art of mindful eating can certainly help you maintain a healthy balance while you taste your favorite snacks.

Mindful eating is where you really begin to savor the bites that you are taking while you eat. You eat calmly and slowly, letting each and every bite swirl around in your mouth with flavor. So often we eat mindlessly while watching TV or doing other tasks, mindful eating is the opposite. When you take time to intuitively eat, you are permitting yourself to enjoy without overindulging in your flavorful meals and snacks. Enjoy small portions of your favorite dishes and remain hydrated to avoid confusing thirst with hunger and best of all? Savor every bite!

Staying Active:

The cooler months and the busy social calendar that tends to uptick during the packed holiday season can put physical activity on the back burner. However, it is important to continue to incorporate movement into your routine. Not only can 30-45 minutes of moderate exercise most days put the stressful seasonal activities in check. Exercise can also help you manage your energy levels and even think twice about indulging in that extra-sweet snack!

Be sure that when you are scheduling your holiday parties, you also make sure to put some workouts on your calendar. If you have an intentional plan while making your calendar for the holiday season, you will be more likely to stick with it. The holidays are a time of community, and why does your exercise routine need to be any different? Take time to do group exercise activities like festive hikes or walks, or taking a new yoga or dance class with your favorite people. Remember if time is tight, a short yet effective workout is better than no workout at all.

Prioritize Sleep:

Making sure that you get adequate sleep during the holidays often takes a back seat much like physical exercise. However, the health benefits that come with better sleep are so important for your overall well-being. If you’re looking to increase your immunity, manage your stress, and have a handle on your energy levels – check in with your nightly sleep routine and see how that is serving you. 

Speaking of routines, having a night routine and a consistent sleep schedule helps keep your circadian rhythm in check even during the darker months. During the holidays it can be tempting to sacrifice your sleep for one too many parties, or events to keep you up and awake. While occasionally this is okay, a consistent interruption to your sleep habits can become a pattern that can in turn be hard to break. If you’re having trouble falling asleep at night, reduce caffeine and screen time before you hit sheets. By reducing distractions and ensuring your sleep space is a place where you can truly rest, you will be creating a relaxing experience to indulge in your best sleep ever.

Manage Mental Health:

While your physical well-being, including your sleep cycle and exercise routine, is important, it is also equally important to manage your stress and mental health during this time. For many of us, the holidays are a time of joy and excitement, but with this, they can also bring great stress. On the flipside, some of us may struggle greatly during this time of year due to grieving the loss of a loved one, or feelings of loneliness and isolation. Managing stress and your mental health no matter the cause is essential for giving yourself an overall rounded approach to wellbeing and preventing yourself from burnout.

So during this time take a closer look at your calendar. To prevent burnout, avoid overcommitting to too many things at one time. Be realistic about what you can achieve, we are only human after all. Be sure to with your physical health routine to include mindfulness practices like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing to stay calm and grounded. Connect with your loved ones if you are feeling overwhelmed or isolated. If you don’t feel like you have someone to talk to, reach out to a mental health provider or your family doctor in Los Gatos for more support. 

Health and Hygiene:

Many of us are on the move during the busy holiday season, and it is important to keep your eye on health while hitting up gatherings and heading out of town. This will help keep you safe from illness, and keep the more vulnerable around you safe as well. In addition to getting your yearly vaccines like the flu shot and Covid19 vaccine booster shots, be sure to wash your hands often, especially before meals. 

Stay up to date with CDC health and safety guidelines, and think about ways if you are not feeling well to mitigate your risk and exposure. Can you mask up or skip an event if you’re not feeling 100%? We think you know the answer.

Plan for Healthy Indulgences:

Let’s face it, treats are a part of the holiday experience! We know you can’t wait to get home to taste some of your mom’s favorite dishes, or have that slice of pie at the end of your meal. But, making conscious choices can help you enjoy the flavors of the season without adding too much compromise to your health. One easy way to do this is to explore healthier versions of traditional favorites – simply google your recipe add “healthy alternative” to the end and see what pops up! Second, as mentioned before, practicing intuitive and mindful eating can help you mentally make sure that you are spending the right amount of time savoring these sweets in moderation.

We can’t speak enough to the importance of staying hydrated during not only the holiday season but the winter months as well. Having adequate water in your system will have you making healthier choices, as well as keeping your skin and body safe from winter harm.

Check-in For More Support:

By incorporating the practices listed above, you can ensure that your holiday season is sprinkled with a little extra wellness this year, prioritizing your self-care while you embrace the season. While we know many of you are off to celebrate in this wondrous time of joy and happy festivities, many of you may be struggling. We are here at Los Gatos Doc for your seasons of wellness as well as the seasons of growth. If you are struggling with any mental or physical issues and need caring support, call our office today: 408-502-6040. You are never alone.

Happy Holidays from the Los Gatos Doc family to you!

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